Table of Contents

Everyday Things
Guide to Imitated Pronunciation
List of Words
Grammar: The Definite Article

Guide to Imitated Pronunciation

a is the a as in father
ah is a long a
ai is the ai as in aisle
ay is a long e, as in day
ee is a long e, as in feet
e and eh are e as in pet
i is i as in pit
o is o as in pot
oh is a long o and in coat
oo is a long u, as in fool
oy is in the oy as in boy
uh is like the -er in father (but without the r sound at the end)

dh is the th as in then
kh is the guttural sound at the end of loch or Bach
lh is a voiceless, breathy l
mh is a voiceless, breathy m
ng is the sound of ng in singer
ngh is a voiceless, breathy ng sound
nh is a voiceless, breathy n
rh is a voiceless, breathy r
sh is the sh as in shop
th is the th as in thick

List of Words

Page One

cath (f) cat, cathod (pl)
kahth, kah-thod
y gath (f) the cat, y cathod (pl)
uh gahth, uh kah-thod

ci (m) dog, cŵn (pl)
kee, koohn
y ci (m) the dog, y cŵn (pl)
uh kee, uh koohn

Page Two

llygoden (f) mouse, llygod (pl)
lhuh-go-den, lhuh-god
y llygoden luch (f) the mouse, y llygod (pl)
uh lhuh-go-den, uh lhuh-god

cwningen (f) rabbit, cwningod (pl)
koo-ning-en, koo-ning-od
y gwningen (f) the rabbit, y cwningod (pl)
uh goo-ning-en, y koo-ning-od

Page Three

buwch (f) cow, buchod (pl)
bi-ookh, bi-khod
y fuwch (f) the cow, y buchod (pl)
uh vi-ookh, uh bi-khod

ceffyl (m) horse, ceffylau (pl)
ke-fil, ke-fuh-leh
y ceffyl (m) the horse, y ceffylau (pl)
uh ke-fil, uh ke-fuh-leh

Page Four

aderyn (m) bird, a-dar (pl)
a-de-rin, a-dar
yr aderyn (m) the bird, yr adar (pl)
uhr a-de-rin, uhr a-dar

pysgodyn coch (m) goldfish, pysgod coch (pl)
puhs-go-din kohkh, puhs-god kohkh
y pysgodyn coch (m) the goldfish, y pysgod coch (pl)
uh puhs-go-din kohkh, uh puhs-god kohkh

Page Five

hwyaden (f) duck, hwyaid (pl)
hoo-ya-den, hoo-yed
yr hwyaden (f) the duck, yr hwyaid (pl)
uhr hoo-ya-den, uhr hoo-yed

llyffant (m) frog, llyfantod (pl)
lhuh-fant, lhuh-fan-tod
y llyffant (m) the frog, y llyffantod (pl)
uh lhuh-fant, uh lhuh-fan-tod

Page Six

neidr (f) snake, nadroedd (pl)
nuh-i-dir, na-droydh
y neidr (f) the snake, y nadroedd (pl)
uh nuh-i-dir, uh na-droydh

cranc (m) crab, crancod (pl)
krangk, krang-kod
y cranc (m) the crab, y crancod (pl)
uh krangk, krang-kod

Page Seven

pili-pala (m) butterfly, pili-palod (pl)
pi-li pa-la, pi-li pa-lod
y pili-pala (m) the butterfly, y pili-palod (pl)
uh pi-li pa-la, uh pi-li pa-lod

morgrugyn (m) ant, morgrug (pl)
mor-gri-gin, mor-grig
y morgrugyn (m) the ant, y morgrug (pl)
uh mor-gri-gin, uh mor-grig

Page Eight

ŵy (m) egg, wyau (pl)
oo-ee, oo-yeh
yr ŵy (m) the egg, yr wyau (pl)
uhr oo-ee, uhr oo-yeh

bara (m) bread
y bara (m) the bread
uh ba-ra

Page Nine

caws (m) cheese, cawsiau (pl)
ka-oos, ka-oo-sheh
y caws (m) the cheese, cawsiau (pl)
uh ka-oos, uh ka-oo-sheh

grawnwinen (f) grape, grawnwin (pl)
gra-oon-wi-nen, gra-oon-win
y rawnwinen (f) the grape, y grawnwin (pl)
uh ra-oon-wi-nen, uh gra-oon-win

Page Ten

cacen siocled (f) chocolate cake, cacennau siocled (pl)
ka-ken sho-kled, ka-ke-neh sho-kled
y gacen siocled (f) the chocolate cake, y cacennau siocled (pl)
uh ga-ken sho-kled, uh ka-ke-neh sho-kled

hufen iâ (m) ice cream
hi-ven yah
yr hufen iâ (m) the ice cream
uhr hi-ven yah

Page Eleven

afal (m) apple, afalau (pl)
a-val, a-va-leh
yr afal (m) the apple, yr afalau (pl)
uhr a-val, uhr a-va-leh

oren (m) orange, orennau (pl)
o-ren, o-re-neh
yr oren (m) the orange, yr orennau (pl)
uhr o-ren, uhr o-re-neh

Page Twelve

lemon (f) lemon, lemonau (pl)
le-mon, le-mo-neh
y lemon (f) the lemon, y lemonau (pl)
uh le-mon, uh le-mo-neh

banana (f) banana, bananas (pl)
ba-na-na, ba-na-nas
y fanana (f) the banana, y bananas (pl)
uh va-na-na, y ba-na-nas

Page Thirteen

moronen (f) carrot, moron (pl)
mo-ro-nen, mo-ron
y foronen (m) the carrot, y moron (pl)
uh vo-ro-nen, uh mo-ron

tomato (m) tomato, tomatos (pl)
to-ma-to, to-ma-tos
y tomato (m) the tomato, y tomatos (pl)
uh to-ma-to, uh to-ma-tos

Page Fourteen

mefusen (f) strawberry, mefus (pl)
me-vi-sen, me-vis
y fefusen (m) the strawberry, y mefus (pl)
uh ve-vi-sen, uh me-vis

ceiriosen (f) cherry, ceirios (pl)
kuh-i-ryo-sen, kuh-i-ryos
y geiriosen (f) the cherry, y ceirios (pl)
uh guh-i-ryo-sen, uh kuh-i-ryos

Page Fifteen

sudd (m) juice, suddion (pl)
seedh, seedh-yon
y sudd (m) the juice, y suddion (pl)
uh seedh, uh seedh-yon

llaeth (m) milk, llaethau (pl)
lhaith, lhai-theh
y llaith (m) the milk, y llaethau (pl)
uh lhaith, uh lhai-theh

dŵr (m) water, dyfroedd (pl)
doohr, duh-vroydh
y dŵr (m) the water, y dyfroedd (pl)
uh doohr, uh duh-vroydh

Page Sixteen

cyllell (f) knife, cyllyll (pl)
kuh-lhelh, kuh-lhilh
y gyllell (f) the knife, y cyllyll (pl)
uh guh-lhelh, uh kuh-lhilh

llwy (f) spoon, llwyau (pl)
lhoo-ee, lhoo-yeh
y llwy (f) the spoon, y llwyau (pl)
uh lhoo-ee, uh lhoo-yeh

fforc (f) fork, ffyrc (pl)
fork, firk
y fforc (f) the fork, y ffyrc (pl)
y fork, uh firk

Page Seventeen

pen ysgrifennu (m) pen, pennau ysgrifennu (pl)
pen uh-skri-ve-nee, pe-neh uh-skri-ve-nee
y pen ysgrifennu (m) the pen, y pennau ysgrifennu (pl)
uh pen uh-skri-ve-nee, uh pe-neh uh-skri-ve-nee
Special note: In colloquial speech, may also be pen sgrifennu (pen skri-ve-nee) or pen sgwennu (pen skwe-nee).

pensil (m) pencil, pensiliau (pl)
pen-sil, pen-si-lyeh
y pensil (m) the pencil, y pensiliau (pl)
y pen-sil, uh pen-si-lyeh

Page Eighteen

llyfr (m) book, llyfrau (pl)
lhuh-vuhr, lhuh-vreh
y llyfr (m) the book, y llyfrau (pl)
uh lhuh-vuhr, uh lhuh-vreh

nodiadur (m) notebook, nodiaduron (pl)
no-dya-dir, no-dya-di-ron
y nodiadur (m) the notebook, y nodiaduron (pl)
uh no-dya-dir, uh no-dya-di-ron

Page Nineteen

gluniadur (m) laptop, gluniaduron (pl)
gli-nya-dir, gli-nya-di-ron
y gluniadur (m) the laptop, y gluniaduron (pl)
uh gli-nya-dir, uh gli-nya-di-ron
Special note: The word for computer is cyfrifiadur (kuh-vri-vya-dir).

ffôn symudol (m) mobile phone, ffonau symudol (pl)
fohn suh-mi-dol, foh-neh suh-mi-dol
y ffôn symudol (m) the mobile phone, y ffonau symudol (pl)
uh fohn suh-mi-dol, uh foh-neh suh-mi-dol

Page Twenty

bag (m) bag, bagiau (pl)
bag, ba-gyeh
y bag (m) the bag, y bagiau (pl)
uh bag, uh ba-gyeh

blwch (m) box, blychau (pl)
blookh, bluh-kheh
y blwch (m) the box, y blychau (pl)
uh blookh, uh bluh-kheh

Page Twenty-One

bwrdd (m) table, byrddau (pl)
boordh, buh-dheh
y bwrdd (m) the table, y byrddau (pl)
uh boordh, uh buh-dheh

cadair (m) chair, cadeiriau (pl)
ka-der, uh ka-duh-ir-yeh
y gadair (f) the chair, y cadeiriau (pl)
uh ga-der, uh ka-duh-ir-yeh

Page Twenty-Two

allwedd (f) key, allweddi (pl)
alh-wedh, alh-we-dhee
yr allwedd (f) the key, yr allweddi (pl)
uhr alh-wedh, uhr alh-we-dhee
Special note: In North Wales, key is agoriad (a-go-ryad).

drych (m) mirror, drychau (pl)
dreekh, druh-kheh
y drych (m) the mirror, y drychau (pl)
uh dreekh, uh druh-kheh

Page Twenty-Three

pêl (f) ball, peli (pl)
payl, pe-li
y bêl (f) the ball, y peli (pl)
uh bayl, uh pe-li

gitâr (m) guitar, gitarau (pl)
gi-tahr, gi-ta-reh
y gitâr (m) the guitar, y gitarau (pl)
uh gi-tahr, uh gi-ta-reh

Page Twenty-Four

het (f) hat, hetiau (pl)
het, he-tyeh
yr het (f) the hat, yr hetiau (pl)
uhr het, uhr he-tyeh

sbectol haul (f) sunglasses, sbectolau haul (pl)
spek-tol hail, spek-to-leh hail
y sbectol haul (f) the sunglasses, y sbectolau haul (pl)
uh spek-tol hail, uh spek-to-leh hail

côt (m) coat, cotiau (pl)
koht, ko-tyeh
y côt (m) the coat, y cotiau (pl)
uh koht, uh ko-tyeh

Page Twenty-Five

hosan (f) sock, sanau (pl)
ho-san, sa-neh
yr hosan (f) the sock, y sanau (pl)
uhr ho-san, uh sa-neh
Special note: In formal speech, the plural of hosan is hosanau (ho-sa-neh).

esgid (f) shoe, esgidiau (pl)
es-kid, es-ki-dyeh
yr esgid (f) the shoe, yr esgidiau (pl)
uhr es-kid, uhr es-ki-dyeh
Special note: In colloquial speech, esgidiau is pronunced (ski-dyeh).

Page Twenty-Six

coeden (f) tree, coed (pl)
koy-den, koyd
y goeden (f) the tree, y coed (pl)
uh goy-den, uh koyd

blodyn (m) flower, blodau (pl)
blo-din, blo-deh
y blodyn (m) the flower, y blodau (pl)
uh blo-din, uh blo-deh

deilen (f) leaf, dail (pl)
duh-i-len, dail
y ddeilen (f) the leaf, y dail (pl)
uh dhuh-i-len, uh dail

Page Twenty-Seven

seren fôr (f) starfish, sêr môr (pl)
se-ren vohr, sehr mohr
y seren fôr (f) the starfish, y sêr môr (pl)
uh se-ren vohr, uh sehr mohr

cragen (f) shell, cregyn (pl)
kra-gen, kre-gin
y gragen (f) the shell, y cregyn (pl)
uh gra-gen, uh kre-gin

The Definite Article: The

The definite article is yr before a vowel or a word beginnning with h-.
Before a consonant, yr becomes y.
After a vowel, both yr and y change to 'r.

For example:
y ci
uh kee
the dog
y cŵn
uh koohn
the dogs

y cymydog
uh cuh-muh-dog
the neighbor
y cymdogion
uh cuhm-do-gyon
the neighbors

y gair
uh gar
the word
y geiriau
uh guh-ir-yeh
the words

yr oen
uhr oyn
the lamb
yr ŵyn
uhr oo-in
the lambs

yr hwrdd
uhr hoordh
the ram
yr hyrddod
uhr huhr-ddod
the rams

Mae'r ci yn dda. (from mae + y)
Mai'r kee uhn dha.
The dog is good.

yr arian
uhr ar-yan
the money

Mae'r arian yn 'y mhoced. (from mae + yr)
Mai'r ar-yan uhn uh mho-ked.
The money is in my pocket.

The definite article causes singular feminine nouns to take the soft mutation. Feminine nouns that begin with b, c, d, g, m, p and t undergo soft mutation.
Examples of the soft mutation are: brân to frân (crow), cath to gath (cat), draig to ddraig (dragon), gafr to afr (goat), potel to botel (bottle) and torf to dorf (crowd).

Special note: Nouns that begin with ll and rh are not mutated by the definite article.

For example:
y gyllell (from y + cyllell)
uh guh-lhelh
the knife
y cyllyll
uh kuh-lhilh
the knives

y ddiod (from y + diod)
uh dee-od
the drink
y diodydd
uh dyo-didh
the drinks

yr orsaf (from y + gorsaf)
uhr or-sav
the station
y gorsafoedd
uh gor-sa-voydh
the stations

yr hwyaden
uhr hoo-ya-den
the duck
yr hwyaid
uhr hoo-i-yed
the ducks

yr oergell
uhr oyr-gelh
the fridge
yr oergelloedd
uhr oyr-ge-lhoydh
the fridges

y llwy
uh lhoo-ee
the spoon
y llwyau
uh lhoo-yeh
the spoons

y rhos
uh rhos
the moor
y rhosydd
uh rho-sidh
the moors

Special note: The word gêm is feminine but does not mutate after the definite article, y gêm.