Minn fejn inti? Where are you from? Jiena mill-Kanada. I come from Canada. Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I come from England. Jiena mill-Amerika. I come from America. Jiena mill-Awstralja. I am from Australia. Fejn toqgħod? Where do you live? Noqgħod Sydney. I live in Sydney. |
L-Afrika ta' Isfel South Africa L-Awstralya Australia L-Ingilterra England Il-Ġermanya Germany L-Irlanda Ireland L-Italya Italy Il-Kanada Canada New Zealand Iż-Żelandja l-Ġdida New Zealand L-iSkozja Scotland L-iStati Uniti United States |
Say What?
Ma nifhimx. I don't understand. Ma nafx. I don't know. Nitkellem bil-Malti. I speak Maltese. Ftit. A little. |
Nifhem. I understand. Naf. I know. Mhux problema. No problem. Tinkwietax! Don't worry! |
Ma nitkellimx bil-Malti. I don't speak Maltese. Titkellem bl-Ingliż? Do you speak English? Titkellem bil-Taljan? Do you speak Italian? Titkellem bil-Spanjol? Do you speak Spanish? Titkellem bil-Franċiż? Do you speak French? |
Where is ...
Fejn hu t-tojlit? Where is the toilet? Fejn hu l-eqreb kafè? Where is the nearest café? Fejn hu l-ħanut tal-ħelu? Where is the bakery? Fejn hi s-spiżerija? Where is the chemist? Fejn hi l-lukanda? Where is the hotel? Fejn hu l-bar? Where is the bar? Fejn hu l-bank? Where is the bank? Fejn hu s-suq? Where is the market? |
Nixtieq ... I would like ... Irrid ... I want ... Xi trid? What do you want? Iva. Yes. Le. No. Kemm? How much? Kemm iqum dan? How much is this? (m) Kemm tqum din? How much is this? (f) |
Fejn hu s-supermarkit? Where is the supermarket? Fejn hu l-eqreb internet kafè? Where is the nearest internet café? Tieħdu kredit kards? Do you accept credit cards? Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. The bill, please. | |
Nixtieq birra. I'd like a beer. Irrid limunata. I'll have a lemonade. Inbid aħmar. Red wine. Inbid abyad. White wine. Żewġ tazzi nbid abjad. Two glasses of white wine. Xampanja. Champagne. Tazza ilma. Glass of water. Ilma minerali. Mineral water. Sugu tal-larinġ. Orange juice. Bis-silġ. With ice. Mingħajr silġ. Without ice. |
Ħalib. Milk. Kafè bil-ħalib. White coffee. Kafè iswed. Black coffee. Kapuċċin. Cappuccino. Dekaffinat. Decaf. Te bil-ħalib. White tea. Te iswed. Black tea. Tazza ... A cup of ... Żewġ tazzi ... Two cups of ... Biz-zokkor. With sugar. Mingħajr zokkor. Without sugar. |
Nixtieq torta tal-fenek. I'd like a rabbit pie. Irrid frott tal-baħar. I'll have seafood. Zalzett. Sausage. Għaġin. Pasta. Ħobż. Bread. Ġobon. Cheese. Ħaxix. Vegetables. Insalati. Salad. Diżerta. Dessert. Ċikkulata. Chocolate. Frawli. Strawberry. Ġelat. Ice cream. Kejk. Cake. |
Soppa. Soup. Ross. Rice. Bajda / Bajd. Egg / eggs. Ħut. Fish. Tiġieġa. Chicken. Laħam taċ-ċanga. Beef. Frott. Fruit. Tuffieħa. Apple. Larinġa. Orange. Lampuni. Raspberries. Jien veġetarjan. (man) Jien veġetarjana. (woman) I am vegetarian. Ma niekolx laħam. I don't eat meat. |
Illum temp bnazzi. It's fine weather today. Illum temp ħazin. It's awful weather today. Is-sħana llum. It's hot today. Il-kesħa llum. It's cold today. Ir-riħ illum. It's windy today. Iċ-ċpar illum. It's foggy today. |
Ix-xita llum. It's raining today. Il-borra llum. It's snowing today. Se tagħmel ix-xita għada? Will it rain tomorrow? Se tagħmel il-borra għada? Will it snow tomorrow? |
Small Talk
Inħobb ... I like ... Ma nħobbx .... I don't like ... Tħobb ...? Do you like ...? Iva. Yes. Le. No. |
Ejja hawn! Come here! Ejja mmorru! Let's go! Huwa meraviljuż! It's great! Huwa orribbli! It's awful! Hawn. Here. Hemm. There. |
Intlift. I'm lost. Intlifna. We're lost. |
Oqgħod attent! Be careful! Ajjut! Help! Itlaq! Go away! |
Days of the Week
It-Tnejn Monday It-Tlieta Tuesday L-Erbgħa Wednesday Il-Ħamis Thursday Il-Ġimgħa Friday Is-Sibt Saturday Il-Ħadd Sunday |
il-bieraħ yesterday illum today għada tomorrow il-ġimgħa li għaddiet last week din il-ġimgħa this week il-ġimgħa d-dieħla next week |
Bis-saħħa! Saħħa! Cheers! Ix-Xorti t-Tajba! Good luck! Il-Milied it-Tajjeb! Merry Christmas! Is-Sena t-Tajba! Happy New Year! |
Miftuħ Open Magħluq Closed Dħul Entrance Ħruġ Exit Tidħolx No Entry |
Pulizija Police Tpejjipx No Smoking Tojlit Toilets Irġiel Men Nisa Women |
ie is pronounced as a long i (IPA i:)
għi is pronounced as aˁj or eˁj, eg. żgħir = żajr or żejr
għu is pronounced as oˁw or aˁw
ċ is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
ġ is pronounced as j as in judge (dʒ)
għ lengthens and pharyngealises the vowel (ˁ:), and is pronounced as ħ at the end of a word
għh is pronounced as a double ħ, eg. tagħha = taħħa
h is silent and lengthens the vowel, and is pronounced as ħ at the end of a word, eg. fih = fieħ
ħ is pronounced as an h in the back of the throat, as a pharyngealised h
j is pronounced as y as in yell (IPA j)
q is pronounced as a glottal stop (ʔ), like the Cockney t in bottle
x is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
z is pronounced as ts as in cats
ż is pronounced as z as in zebra
Consonants at the end of words are devoiced, eg. bajd = bajt, tayyeb = tayyep.
Some words also have longer alternate forms:
jien = jiena
int = inti
hu = huwa
hi = hija
Please note:
Some words also have longer alternate forms:
jien = jiena
int = inti
hu = huwa
hi = hija
ie is pronounced as a long i (IPA i:)
għi is pronounced as aˁj or eˁj, eg. żgħir = żajr or żejr
għu is pronounced as oˁw or aˁw
ċ is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
ġ is pronounced as j as in judge (dʒ)
għ lengthens and pharyngealises the vowel (ˁ:), and is pronounced as ħ at the end of a word
għh is pronounced as a double ħ, eg. tagħha = taħħa
h is silent and lengthens the vowel, and is pronounced as ħ at the end of a word, eg. fih = fieħ
ħ is pronounced as an h in the back of the throat, as a pharyngealised h
j is pronounced as y as in yell (IPA j)
q is pronounced as a glottal stop (ʔ), like the Cockney t in bottle
x is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
z is pronounced as ts as in cats
ż is pronounced as z as in zebra
Consonants at the end of words are devoiced, eg. bajd = bajt, tayyeb = tayyep.
Some words also have longer alternate forms:
jien = jiena
int = inti
hu = huwa
hi = hija
Please note:
Some words also have longer alternate forms:
jien = jiena
int = inti
hu = huwa
hi = hija