Pronunciation help is provided in grey under each phrase .
A tilde (˜) over a vowel indicates a nasal vowel.
ə is a weak e as in brother.
ʀ is used for r to remind you that the r is pronounced in the back of the throat.
er is pronounced as in herd
ü is pronounced as u but forward in the mouth (see the Pronunciation Guide)
Vous venez d'où ? vu vəne du? Where are you from? Je viens du Canada. zhə viẽ dü kanada. I come from Canada. Je viens d'Angleterre. zhə viẽ dãgləteʀ. I come from England. Je viens des États-Unis. zhə viẽ de zeta züni. I come from the USA. Je viens d'Australie. zhə viẽ dostʀali. I am from Australia. Où habitez-vous ? u abite vu? Where do you live? J'habite à Sydney. zhabit a sidne. I live in Sydney. |
L'Afrique du Sud lafʀik dü süd. South Africa L'Angleterre lãgləteʀ. England L'Australie lostʀali. Australia Le Canada lə kanada. Canada L'Éosse lekos. Scotland Les Éats-Unis le zeta züni. United States L'Irlande liʀlãd. Ireland La Nouvelle-Zélande la nuvel zelãd. New Zealand Le pays de Galles lə peyi də gal. Wales |
Say What?
Je ne comprends pas. zhə nə kõpʀã pa. I don't understand. Je ne sais pas. Je n'en sais rien. zhə nə se pa. zhə nã se ʀiẽ. I don't know. Je parle français. zhə paʀl fʀãse. I speak French. Un peu. ẽ per. A little. Je ne parle pas français. zhə nə paʀl pa fʀãse. I don't speak French. Vous parlez anglais ? vu paʀle ãgle? Do you speak English? Vous parlez italien ? vu paʀle italiẽ? Do you speak Italian? Vous parlez espagnol ? vu paʀle espanyol? Do you speak Spanish? Vous parlez allemand ? vu paʀle almã? Do you speak German? |
Je comprends. zhə kõpʀã. I understand. Je le sais. zhə lə se. I know. D'accord. D'ac. dakoʀ. dak. All right. OK. Pas de problème. Sans problème. pad pʀoblem. sã pʀoblem. No problem. Ne vous inquiétez pas ! Ne vous en faites pas ! nə vu zẽki-ete pa! nə vu zã fet pa! Don't worry! |
Where is ...
Où sont les toilettes ? u sõ le twalet? Where is the toilet? Où est le café le plus proche ? u e lə kafe lə plü pʀosh? Where is the nearest café? Où est la boulangerie ? u e la bulãzhʀi? Where is the bakery? Où est la pharmacie ? u e la faʀmasi? Where is the chemist? Où est l'hôtel ? u e lotel? Where is the hotel? Où est le bar ? u e lə baʀ? Where is the bar? Où est la banque ? u e la bãk? Where is the bank? Où est le supermarché ? u e lə süpeʀmaʀshe? Where is the supermarket? |
Je voudrais ... zhə vudʀe ... I would like ... Vous voudriez ... ? vu vudʀi-e ...? Would you like ...? Que voudriez-vous ? Qu'est-ce que vous voudriez ? kə vudʀi-e vu? keskə vu vudʀi-e? What would you like? Oui. wi. Yes. Si. si. Yes. (answering a negative question) Non. nõ. No. C'est combien ? se kõbiẽ? How much is it? |
Où est le café internet le plus proche ? u e lə kafe ẽteʀnet lə plü pʀosh? Where is the nearest internet café? Acceptez-vous les cartes de crédit ? aksepte vu le kaʀt də kʀedi? Do you accept credit cards? L'addition, s'il vous plaît. ladisiõ, si vu ple. The bill, please. | ||
J'aimerais une bière. zhemʀe ün bieʀ. I'd like a beer. Je prends un coca. zhə pʀã ẽ koka. I'll have a coke. Du vin rouge. dü vẽ ʀuzh. Red wine. Du vin blanc. dü vẽ blã. White wine. Deux verres de vin blanc. der veʀ də vẽ blã. Two glasses of white wine. Un verre d'eau. ẽ veʀ do. A glass of water. De l'eau minérale. De l'eau de source. də lo mineʀal. də lo də suʀs. Mineral water. Une orange pressée. ün oʀãzh pʀese. Fresh orange juice. Un jus d'orange. ẽ zhü doʀãzh. Orange juice. Glacé. glase. With ice. Sans glace. sã glas. Without ice. |
Du lait. dü le. Milk. Un crème. ẽ kʀem. A white coffee. Un (café) noir. ẽ (kafe) nwaʀ. A black coffee. Un décaféiné. Un décaf. ẽ dekafe-ine. ẽ dekaf. A decaf. Un cappuccino. ẽ kapuchino. A cappuccino. Un thé au lait. ẽ te o le. A white tea. Un thé nature. ẽ te natüʀ. A black tea. Une tasse de ... ün tas də ... A cup of ... Deux tasses de ... der tas də ... Two cups of ... Avec du sucre. avek dü sükʀ ... With sugar. Sans sucre. sã sükʀ ... Without sugar. |
J'aimerais une omelette aux champignons. zhemʀe ün omlet o shãpinyõ. I'd like a mushroom omelette. Je prends un sandwich au jambon. zhe pʀã ẽ sãdwich o zhãbõ. I'll have a ham sandwich. Des spaghettis. de spageti. Spaghetti. Des frites. de fʀit. Chips. Du pain. dü pẽ. Bread. Du fromage. dü fʀomazh. Cheese. Des légumes. de legüm. Vegetables. La salade. la salad. Salad. Le dessert. lə deseʀ. Dessert. Du chocolat. dü shokola. Chocolate. Des fraises. de fʀez. Strawberries. De la glace. də la glas. Ice cream. Le gâteau. lə gato. Cake. |
La soupe. la sup. Soup. Du riz. dü ʀi. Rice. Un œuf / des œufs. ẽ nerf / de zer. An egg / eggs. Du poisson. dü pwasõ. Fish. Du poulet. dü pule. Chicken. Du bœuf. dü berf. Beef. Des fruits. de fʀwi. Fruit. La pomme. la pom. Apple. L'orange. loʀãzh. Orange. Des framboises. le fʀãbwaz. Raspberries. Je suis végétarien. zhə swi vezhetaʀi-ẽ. I am vegetarian. (man) Je suis végétarienne. zhə swi vezhetaʀi-en. I am vegetarian. (woman) Je ne mange pas de viande. zhə nə mãzh pad viãd. I don't eat meat. |
Il fait beau aujourd'hui. i fe bo ozhuʀdwi. It's fine weather today. Il fait un temps affreux aujourd'hui. i fe ẽ tã afʀer ozhuʀdwi. It's awful weather today. Il fait chaud aujourd'hui. i fe sho ozhuʀdwi. It's hot today. Il fait froid aujourd'hui. i fe fʀwa ozhuʀdwi. It's cold today. Il fait du vent aujourd'hui. i fe dü vã ozhuʀdwi. It's windy today. Il fait du brouillard aujourd'hui. i fe dü bʀuiyaʀ ozhuʀdwi. It's foggy today. |
Il pleut aujourd'hui. i pler ozhuʀdwi. It's raining today. Il neige aujourd'hui. i nezh ozhuʀdwi. It's snowing today. Pleuvra-t-il demain ? plervʀa ti dəmẽ? Will it rain tomorrow? Neigera-t-il demain ? nezhʀa ti dəmẽ? Will it snow tomorrow? |
Small Talk
J'aime ... zhem ... I like ... (sg) Je n'aime pas .... zhə nem pa ... I don't like ... (sg) ... vous plaît ? (sg) ... vu ple? ... vous plaisent ? (pl) ... vu plez? Do you like ...? Oui. wi. Yes. Si. si. Yes. (answering a negative question) Non. nõ. No. |
Venez ici ! vəne zisi! Come here! Allons-y ! alõ zi! Let's go! C'est génial ! se zhenial! It's great! C'est affreux ! se tafʀer! It's awful! Ici. isi. Here. Là. la. There. Là-bas. la ba. Over there. |
Je suis perdu.
(m) Je suis perdue. (f) zhə swi peʀdü. I'm lost. Nous sommes perdus. (m) Nous sommes perdues. (f) nu som peʀdü. We're lost. |
Faites attention ! fet zatãsiõ! Be careful! Au secours ! o skuʀ! Help! Allez-vous-en ! Va-t'en ! ale vu zã! va tã! Go away! |
Days of the Week
Lundi lẽdi. Monday Mardi maʀdi. Tuesday Mercredi meʀkʀədi. Wednesday Jeudi zherdi. Thursday Vendredi vãdʀədi. Friday Samedi samdi. Saturday Dimanche dimãsh. Sunday |
hier i-eʀ. yesterday aujourd'hui ozhuʀdwi. today demain dəmẽ. tomorrow
la semaine dernière |
À votre santé ! À la vôtre ! Santé ! a votʀ sãte! a la votʀ! sãte! Cheers! Bonne chance ! Bon courage ! bon shãs! bõ kuʀazh! Good luck! Joyeux Noël ! zhwa-yer no-el! Merry Christmas! Bonne Année ! bon ane! Happy New Year! |
Ouvert uveʀ Open Fermé feʀme Closed Entrée ãtʀe Entrance Sortie soʀti Exit Entrée interdite ãtʀe ẽteʀdi No Entry |
Police polis Police Défense de fumer Interdit de fumer defãs də füme ẽteʀdi də füme No Smoking Toilettes twalet Toilets Messieurs mes-yer Men Dames dam Women |
ai is pronounced as e, like an Italian e (IPA e)
ais and ait are pronounced as e as in pet (ɛ)
an is pronounced as a nasal a (ɑ̃)
au is pronounced as o as in note (IPA o)
unstressed e is pronounced as e as in brother (ə)
é is pronounced as e, like an Italian e (IPA e)
ê is pronounced as e as in pet (ɛ)
eau is pronounced a o as in note (IPA o)
en when at the end of a word is pronounced as a nasal ɛ (ɛ̃)
but the word en is pronounced as ã
eu and œu are pronounced as ir as in bird (ø)
er at the end of a word is usually pronounced as e, like an Italian e, the r is silent
eur is pronounced as ur as in hurt (œʁ)
ill is prononounced as i + y (IPA ij)
in is pronounced as a nasal ɛ (ɛ̃)
oi is pronounced as wa
on is pronounced as a nasal ɔ (ɔ̃)
ou is pronounced as u as oo as in pool (IPA u)
u is pronounced as German ü, ie. an i with rounded lips (IPA y)
un is pronounced as a nasal ɛ (ɛ̃) or as a nasal œ by some speakers (œ̃)
ch is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
gn is pronounced as ny as in canyon (ɲ)
j is pronounced as s as in pleasure (ʒ)
r is pronounced as a voiced uvular fricative as in Portuguese (ʁ)
r at the end of a word is usually pronounced,
eg. bonjour = bɔ̃ʒuʁ, see er above
Consonants at the end of a word (not followed by a vowel) are usually silent,
eg. d'accord = dakɔʁ
parlez-vous anglais? = paʁle vu ɑ̃glɛ?
je ne comprends pas = ʒə nə kɔ̃pʁɑ̃ pa
c'est combien? = se kɔ̃biɛ̃?
merci beaucoup = mɛʁsi boku
où est ... ? = u e ... ?
Please note that when words are combined final silent consonants may be sounded as
part of the next word if it begins with a vowel, this is called ellision,
eg. comment allez-vous? = komɑ̃ tale-vu?
comment vous appelez-vous? = komɑ̃ vu zaple vu?
Please note:
en is pronounced as ɑ̃
the final consonants are sounded in bonjour, cher, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, plus (when used an adverb at the end of a sentence when used in the sense of "more", but not when used in the sense of "no longer")
ai is pronounced as e, like an Italian e (IPA e)
ais and ait are pronounced as e as in pet (ɛ)
an is pronounced as a nasal a (ɑ̃)
au is pronounced as o as in note (IPA o)
unstressed e is pronounced as e as in brother (ə)
é is pronounced as e, like an Italian e (IPA e)
ê is pronounced as e as in pet (ɛ)
eau is pronounced a o as in note (IPA o)
en when at the end of a word is pronounced as a nasal ɛ (ɛ̃)
but the word en is pronounced as ã
eu and œu are pronounced as ir as in bird (ø)
er at the end of a word is usually pronounced as e, like an Italian e, the r is silent
eur is pronounced as ur as in hurt (œʁ)
ill is prononounced as i + y (IPA ij)
in is pronounced as a nasal ɛ (ɛ̃)
oi is pronounced as wa
on is pronounced as a nasal ɔ (ɔ̃)
ou is pronounced as u as oo as in pool (IPA u)
u is pronounced as German ü, ie. an i with rounded lips (IPA y)
un is pronounced as a nasal ɛ (ɛ̃) or as a nasal œ by some speakers (œ̃)
ch is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
gn is pronounced as ny as in canyon (ɲ)
j is pronounced as s as in pleasure (ʒ)
r is pronounced as a voiced uvular fricative as in Portuguese (ʁ)
r at the end of a word is usually pronounced,
eg. bonjour = bɔ̃ʒuʁ, see er above
Consonants at the end of a word (not followed by a vowel) are usually silent,
eg. d'accord = dakɔʁ
parlez-vous anglais? = paʁle vu ɑ̃glɛ?
je ne comprends pas = ʒə nə kɔ̃pʁɑ̃ pa
c'est combien? = se kɔ̃biɛ̃?
merci beaucoup = mɛʁsi boku
où est ... ? = u e ... ?
Please note that when words are combined final silent consonants may be sounded as
part of the next word if it begins with a vowel, this is called ellision,
eg. comment allez-vous? = komɑ̃ tale-vu?
comment vous appelez-vous? = komɑ̃ vu zaple vu?
Please note:
en is pronounced as ɑ̃
the final consonants are sounded in bonjour, cher, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, plus (when used an adverb at the end of a sentence when used in the sense of "more", but not when used in the sense of "no longer")