Odakle ste? Where are you from? Ja sam iz Kanade. I come from Canada. Ja sam iz Engleske. I come from England. Ja sam iz Amerike. I come from the USA. Ja sam iz Australije. I am from Australia. Gdje živite? Where do you live? Živim u Sydney. I live in Sydney. |
Australija Australia Engelska England Irska Ireland Južna Afrika South Africa Kanada Canada Njemačka Germany Novi Zeland New Zealand Škotska Scotland Sjedinjene Američke Države United States |
Say What?
Ja ne razumijem. I don't understand. Ja ne znam. I don't know. Ja govorim hrvatski. I speak Croatian. Malo. A little bit. Ja ne govorim hrvatski. I don't speak Croatian. Govorite li engleski? Do you speak English? Govorite li njemački? Do you speak German? Govorite li španjolski? Do you speak Spanish? Govorite li francuski? Do you speak French? |
Ja razumijem. I understand. Ja znam. I know. U redu. All right. OK. Nema problema. No problem. Ne brinite se! Don't worry! |
Where is ...
Gdje je zahod? Where is the toilet? Gdje je najbliži kafić? Gdje je najbliža kavana? Where is the nearest café? Gdje je pekara? Where is the bakery? Gdje je ljekarna? Where is the chemist? Gdje je hotel? Where is the hotel? Gdje je bar? Where is the bar? Gdje je banka? Where is the bank? Gdje je tžnica? Where is the market? Gdje je supermarket? Where is the supermarket? |
Želim ... I would like ... Želite li ...? Would you like ...? Što želite? What would you like? Da. Yes. Ne. No. Koliko košta? Koliko je to? How much is it? |
Gdje je najbliži internet kafić? Where is the nearest internet café? Da li prihvaćate kreditne kartice? Do you accept credit cards? Molim vas donesite račun. The bill, please. | ||
Želim čašu crvenog vina. I'd like a glass of red wine. Želim naručiti pivo. I'll have a beer. Crveno vino. Red wine. Bijelo vino. White wine. Šampanjac. Champagne. Čaša vode. Glass of water. Voda mineralna. Mineral water. Sok od naranče. Orange juice. Sa ledom. With ice. Bez leda. Without ice. |
Mlijeko. Milk. Bijela kava. White coffee. Crna kava. Black coffee. Kava bez kafeina. Decaffeinated coffee. Bijeli čaj. White tea. Crni čaj. Black tea. Jedna šalića kave. One cup of coffee. Dvije šaliće čaja. Two cups of tea. Sa šećerom. With sugar. Bez šećera. Without sugar. |
Želim čevapčiće. I'd like cevapcici. Želim naručiti palačinke. I'll have pancakes. Kobasica. Sausage. Pomfrit. Chips. Kruh. Bread. Sir. Cheese. Povrća. Vegetables. Salata. Salad. Poslastica. Dessert. Čokolada. Chocolate. Jagoda. Stawberry. Kolač. Cake. Sladoled. Ice cream. |
Juha. Soup. Riža. Rice. Jaje / jaja. Egg / eggs. Riba. Fish. Piletina. Chicken. Govedina. Beef. Voće. Fruit. Jabuka. Apple. Naranča. Orange. Maline. Raspberries. Ja sam vegetarijanac. I am vegetarian. (m) Ja sam vegetarijanka. I am vegetarian. (f) Ja ne jedem meso. I don't eat meat. |
Vrijeme je lijepo danas. It's fine weather today. Vrijeme je ružno danas. It's awful weather today. Vruće je danas. It's hot today. Hladno je danas. It's cold today. Puše vjetar danas. It's windy today. Magla je danas. It's foggy today. |
Pada kiša danas. It's raining today. Pada snijeg danas. It's snowing today. Hoće li sutra padati kiša? Will it rain tomorrow? Hoće li sutra padati snijeg? Will it snow tomorrow? |
Small Talk
Volim ... I like ... (sg) Ja ne volim .... I don't like ... (sg) Volite li ...? Do you like ...? Da. Yes. Ne. No. |
Dođite ovamo! Come here! Hajdemo! Let's go! Ovo je odlično! It's great! Ovo je užasno! It's awful! Ovdje. Here. Tamo. There. |
Izgubljen sam. I'm lost. (m) Izgubljena sam. I'm lost. (f) Izgubljeni smo. We're lost. |
Budite pažljiv! Be careful! (m) Budite pažljiva! Be careful! (f) Upomoć! Help! Idi odavde! Go away! |
Days of the Week
ponedjeljak Monday utorak Tuesday srijeda Wednesday četvrtak Thursday petak Friday subota Saturday nedjelja Sunday |
jučer yesterday danas today sutra tomorrow prošli tjedan last week ovaj tjedan this week sljedeći tjedan next week |
Živjeli! Cheers! Sretno! Good luck! Sretan Božić! Merry Christmas! Sretna Nova Godina! Happy New Year! |
Otvoreno Open Zatvoreno Closed Ulaz Entrance Izlaz Exit Zabranjen Ulaz No Entry |
Policija Police Zabranjeno Pušenje No Smoking WC (pronounced: vetsé) Toilets Muški Men Ženski Women |
c is pronounced ts as in cats
č is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
ć is pronounced as a ch as in church, but with the tongue more forward touching behind the bottom teeth (ʨ)
dž is pronounced as j as in judge (dʒ)
đ is pronounced as a j as in judge, but with the tongue more forward touching behind the bottom teeth (ʥ)
h is pronounced as kh as in loch or Bach (x)
j is pronounced as y as in yell (IPA j)
š is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
ž is pronounced as zh as in pleasure (ʒ)
c is pronounced ts as in cats
č is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
ć is pronounced as a ch as in church, but with the tongue more forward touching behind the bottom teeth (ʨ)
dž is pronounced as j as in judge (dʒ)
đ is pronounced as a j as in judge, but with the tongue more forward touching behind the bottom teeth (ʥ)
h is pronounced as kh as in loch or Bach (x)
j is pronounced as y as in yell (IPA j)
š is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
ž is pronounced as zh as in pleasure (ʒ)