D'on és vostè? Where are you from? Sóc de Canadà. I come from Canada. Sóc d'Anglaterra. I come from England. Sóc dels Estats Units. I come from the USA. Sóc d'Austràlia. I am from Australia. On viu vostè? Where do you live? Visc a Sydney. I live in Sydney. |
Anglaterra England Austràlia Australia Canadà Canada Escòcia Scotland Els Estats Units United States Gal·les Wales Irlanda Ireland Nova Zelanda New Zealand Sud-àfrica South Africa |
Say What?
No ho entenc. I don't understand. No ho sé. I don't know. Parlo català. I speak Catalan. Una mica. A little. No parlo català. I don't speak Catalan. Parla vostè anglès? Do you speak English? Parla vostè francès? Do you speak French? Parla vostè portuguès? Do you speak Portuguese? Parla vostè castellà? Do you speak Spanish? Parla vostè alemany? Do you speak German? |
Ho entenc. I understand. Ho sé. I know. D'acord. Va bé. All right. OK. Cap problema. Això rai. No problem. No es preocupi! No pateixi! Don't worry! Sí. Yes. No. No. |
Where is ...
On són els lavabos? Where are the toilets? On és el cafè més proper? Where is the nearest café? On és la fleca? Where is the bakery? On és la farmàcia? Where is the chemist? On és l'hotel? Where is the hotel? On és el bar? Where is the bar? On és el banc? Where is the bank? On és el supermercat? Where is the supermarket? |
Voldria ... I would like ... Voldria vostè ...? Would you like ...? El/ la compro. Do you want ...? Sí. Yes. No. No. Quant és? Quant val? How much is it? |
On és el cafè d'internet més proper? Where is the nearest internet café? Accepten targetes de crèdit? Do you accept credit cards? El compte, sisplau. The bill, please. | ||
Voldria una cervesa. I'd like a beer. Jo prendré una coca-cola. I'll have a coke. Vi negre. Red wine. Vi blanc. White wine. Dos gots de vi blanc. Two glasses of white wine. Un got d'aigua. A glass of water. Aigua mineral. Mineral water. Un suc de taronja. Orange juice. Amb gel. With ice. Sense gel. Without ice. Llet. Milk. |
Un cafè amb llet. A white coffee. Un cafè. Un cafè sol. A black coffee. Un cafè descafeïnat. A decaf. Un tallat. A coffee with a little milk. Un te amb llet. A white tea. Un te sense llet. A black tea. Una tassa de ... A cup of ... Dues tasses de ... Two cups of ... Amb sucre. With sugar. Sense sucre. Without sugar. |
Voldria una truita amb patates. I'd like a Spanish omelette. Jo prendré un entrepà de pernil. I'll have a ham sandwich. Patates fregides. Chips. Pa. Bread. Formatge. Cheese. Verdures. Hortalisses. Vegetables. Amanida. Ensalada. Salad. Postres. Dessert. Xocolat. Chocolate. Maduixot. Strawberry. Gelat. Ice cream. Pastís. Cake. |
Sopa. Soup. Arròs. Rice. Ou / ous. Egg / eggs. Peix. Fish. Pollastre. Chicken. Carn de bou. Beef. Fruita / fruites. Fruit. Poma. Apple. Taronja. Orange. Gerds. Raspberries. Sóc vegetarià. I am vegetarian. (man) Sóc vegetariana. I am vegetarian. (woman) No menjo carn. I don't eat meat. |
Fa bon dia avui. It's fine weather today. Fa mal dia avui. It's awful weather today. Fa calor avui. It's hot today. Fa fred avui. It's cold today. Fa vent avui. It's windy today. Hi ha boira avui. It's foggy today. |
Plou avui. It's raining today. Neva avui. It's snowing today. Plourá demà? Will it rain tomorrow? Nevará demà? Will it snow tomorrow? |
Small Talk
M'agrada ... I like ... (sg) M'agraden ... I like ... (pl) No m'agrada ... I don't like ... (sg) No m'agraden ... I don't like ... (pl) Li agrada ...? Do you like ...? (sg) Li agraden ...? Do you like ...? (pl) Sí. Yes. No. No. |
Vingui aquí! Come here! Anem-hi! Let's go! És fabulós! It's great! És horrorós! It's awful! Aquí. Here. Allí. There. Allà. Over there. |
Estic perdut.
(m) Estic perduda. (f) I'm lost. Estem perduts. (m) Estem perdudes. (f) We're lost. |
Compte! Be careful! Auxili! Help! Vagi-se'n! Vés-te'n! Go away! |
Days of the Week
Dilluns Monday Dimarts Tuesday Dimecres Wednesday Dijous Thursday Divendres Friday Dissabte Saturday Diumenge Sunday |
ahir yesterday avui today demà tomorrow la setmana passada last week aquesta setmana this week la setmana que ve la propera setmana next week |
Salut! Cheers! Bona sort! Good luck! Feliç Nadal! Merry Christmas! Feliç Any Nou! Happy New Year! |
Obert Open Tancat Closed Entrada Entrance Salida Exit Entrada prohibida No Entry Prohibit fumar No fumar No Smoking |
Policia Police Serveis Toilets El lavabo / els lavabos The toilet / toilets Homes Senyors Men Dones Senyores Women |
unstressed a and e are pronounced as e as in brother (ə)
ai is pronounced as əi
au is pronounced as əu
e is pronounced as e as in pet (ɛ)
é is pronounced as e
unstressed o is pronounced as u
o is pronounced as o as in pot (ɔ)
ó is pronounced as o
b and v in the middle of a word are a bilabial fricative, like a v using both lips together (β)
c before e or i is pronounced as s
d in the middle or end of a word is like the in this (ð)
c before e or i is pronounced as s as in pleasure (ʒ)
g in the middle of a word is like gh, a voiced velar fricative (ɣ) or its approximant (ɰ)
g at the end of a word is pronounced as k
gu before e or i is pronounced as g
h is silent
j is pronounced as s as in pleasure (ʒ)
ll is pronounced as ly as in million (ʎ), or y as in yet (IPA j)
ŀl and tl are pronounced as a long l (IPA l:)
ny is pronounced as ny as in canyon (ɲ)
qu before e or i is pronounced as k
tg and ig are pronounced as j as in judge (dʒ)
tg and ig at the end of a word are pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
tll is a long ll (ʎ:)
tm is pronounced as a long m (IPA m:)
tn is pronounced as a long n (IPA n:)
tx is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
v is pronounced b at the start of a word
x and ix are pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
Please note:
aquest is pronounced as aket, aquests is pronounced as akets
molt is pronounced as mol (mɔɫ)
quant is pronounced as kwan
d'accord is pronounced as dakor (dakɔr)
vull is often pronounced as bui
cinc is pronounced as sing (siŋ)
tinc is pronounced as ting (tiŋ)
entenc is pronounced as enteng (ɛntɛŋ)
prendre is pronounced an pendre (pɛndrə)
unstressed a and e are pronounced as e as in brother (ə)
ai is pronounced as əi
au is pronounced as əu
e is pronounced as e as in pet (ɛ)
é is pronounced as e
unstressed o is pronounced as u
o is pronounced as o as in pot (ɔ)
ó is pronounced as o
b and v in the middle of a word are a bilabial fricative, like a v using both lips together (β)
c before e or i is pronounced as s
d in the middle or end of a word is like the in this (ð)
c before e or i is pronounced as s as in pleasure (ʒ)
g in the middle of a word is like gh, a voiced velar fricative (ɣ) or its approximant (ɰ)
g at the end of a word is pronounced as k
gu before e or i is pronounced as g
h is silent
j is pronounced as s as in pleasure (ʒ)
ll is pronounced as ly as in million (ʎ), or y as in yet (IPA j)
ŀl and tl are pronounced as a long l (IPA l:)
ny is pronounced as ny as in canyon (ɲ)
qu before e or i is pronounced as k
tg and ig are pronounced as j as in judge (dʒ)
tg and ig at the end of a word are pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
tll is a long ll (ʎ:)
tm is pronounced as a long m (IPA m:)
tn is pronounced as a long n (IPA n:)
tx is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
v is pronounced b at the start of a word
x and ix are pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
Please note:
aquest is pronounced as aket, aquests is pronounced as akets
molt is pronounced as mol (mɔɫ)
quant is pronounced as kwan
d'accord is pronounced as dakor (dakɔr)
vull is often pronounced as bui
cinc is pronounced as sing (siŋ)
tinc is pronounced as ting (tiŋ)
entenc is pronounced as enteng (ɛntɛŋ)
prendre is pronounced an pendre (pɛndrə)