Nongoa zara? Where are you from? Kanadakoa naiz. I come from Canada. Ingalaterrakoa naiz. I come from England. Estatu Batuetakoa naiz. I come from the USA. Australiakoa naiz. I am from Australia. Non bizi zara? Where do you live? Sydney-en bizi naiz. I live in Sydney. |
Inglaterra England Australia Australia Gales Wales Eskozia Scotland Estatu Batuak United States Hego Afrika South Africa Irlanda Ireland Kanada Canada Zeelanda Berria New Zealand |
Say What?
Ez dut ulertzen. I don't understand. Ez dakit. I don't know. Euskaraz badakit. I speak Basque. Pixka bat. A little. Ez dakit euskaraz. I don't speak Basque. Ingeselez ba al dakizu? Do you speak English? Frantzesez ba al dakizu? Do you speak French? Portugaleraz ba al dakizu? Do you speak Portuguese? Gasteleraz ba al dakizu? Do you speak Spanish? Alemaneraz ba al dakizu? Do you speak German? |
Ulertzen dut. I understand. Dakit. I know. Bai. Bale. All right. OK. Ez dago problemarik. No problem. Berdin zait. I don't mind. Lasai! Don't worry! Bai. Yes. Ez. No. |
Where is ...
Non dago komuna? Where are the toilets? Non dago kafetegia hurbilena? Where is the nearest café? Non dago okindegia? Where is the bakery? Non dago farmazia? Where is the chemist? Non dago hotela? Non dago ostatua? Where is the hotel? Non dago taberna? Where is the bar? Non dago kutxa? Where is the bank? Non dago supermerkatua? Where is the supermarket? |
... nahi nuke. I would like ... ... nahi zenuke? Would you like ...? Hartuko dut. I'll take it. Bai. Yes. Ez. No. Zenbat da? How much is it? |
Non dago internet-kafetegia hurbilena? Where is the nearest internet café? Kreditu-txartelik onartzen al duzu? Hartzen al duzue kreditoko txartelik? Do you accept credit cards? Kontua, mesedez. The bill, please. | ||
... nahi nuke. I'd like .... ... hartuko dut. I'll have ... Garagardoa. Beer. Zuritoa. A small beer. Ardo beltza. Red wine. Ardo zuria. White wine. Ardo gorria. Rosé wine. Edalontzi bat ardo. A glass of wine. Baso bat ur. A glass of water. Ur minerala. A mineral water. Laranja ur. Laranja zuku. Orange juice. Izotzik. With ice. Izotzik gabea. Without ice. |
Esne. Milk. Kafe bat. Kafetxo bat. A cup of coffee. Kafesnea. White coffee. Kafesne bat. One white coffee. Bi kafesne. Two white coffees. Kafe hutsa. Espresso. Kafe deskafeinatua. Decaf. Kafe ebakia. Coffee with a little milk. Tea. Tea. Kopa bat ... One cup of ... Bi kopa ... Two cups of ... Azukrerik. With sugar. Azukrerik gabea. Without sugar. |
Ekarri .... Bring ... Bakalaioa pil-pilean nahi nuke. I'd like pil-pil bacalao. Patata frijituak hartuko dut. I'll have chips. Urdaiazpiko. Ham. Ogitartekoa. A sandwich. Ogia. Bread. Gazta. Cheese. Barazkiak. Vegetables. Entsalada. Salad. Postreak. Dessert. Txokolatea. Chocolate. Torta. Pastela. Cake. |
Zopa. Soup. Arroza. Rice. Arraultza / arraultzak. Egg / eggs. Arraina. Fish. Oilaskoa. Chicken. Behikia. Beef. Fruitua. Fruit. Sagarra. An apple. Laranja. Orange. Mugurdiak. Raspberries. Barazkijalea naiz. I am vegetarian. Ez dut haragirik jaten. I don't eat meat. |
Eguraldi ona dago gaur. It's fine weather today. Eguraldi txarra dago gaur. It's awful weather today. Bero egiten du gaur. It's hot today. Hotz egiten du gaur. It's cold today. Haizea dago gaur. It's windy today. Lainoa dago gaur. It's foggy today. |
Euria ari du gaur. It's raining today. Elurra ari du gaur. It's snowing today. Bihar euria egingo du? Will it rain tomorrow? Bihar elurra egingo du? Will it snow tomorrow? |
Small Talk
... gustatzen zait. I like ... (sg) ... gustatzen zaizkit. I like ... (pl) ... ez gustatzen zait. I don't like ... (sg) ... ez gustatzen zaizkit. I don't like ... (pl) ... gustatzen zaizu? Do you like ...? (sg) ... gustatzen zaizkizu? Do you like ...? (pl) Bai. Yes. Ez. No. |
Etorri hona! Zatoz hona! Come here! Goazen! Let's go! Oso ondo! Great! Hemen. Hementxe. Here. Hor. Hortxe. There. Han. Hantxe. Over there. |
Galduta nago. I'm lost. Galduta gaude. We're lost. |
Kontuz! Be careful! Lagundu! Help! Alde hemendik! Go away! |
Days of the Week
Astelehena Monday Asteartea Tuesday Asteazkena Wednesday Osteguna Thursday Ostirala Friday Larunbata Saturday Igandea Sunday |
atzo yesterday gaur today bihar tomorrow joan den astean last week aste honetan this week datorren astean next week |
Topa! Cheers! Zorte on! Good luck! Eguberri On! Merry Christmas! Urte Berri On! Happy New Year! |
Irekita Zabalik Open Itxita Zarratuta Closed Sarrera Entrance Irteera Exit Sartzea debekaturik No Entry Erretzea debekatuta dago Ez erre No Smoking |
Ertzaintza Basque Police Udaltzaingoa Municipal Police Komuna Toilets Gizonak Men Emakumeak Andreak Women |
b in the middle of a word is a bilabial fricative, like a v using both lips when in the middle of a word (β)
d in the middle or end of a word is like the in this (ð)
dd and d after i (-id-) are pronounced as gʲ, almost like dʲ (ɟ)
g in the middle of a word is like gh, a voiced velar fricative (ɣ)
h is silent, except in France
j is pronounced as kh as in loch or Bach (x) in Guipuzkoa, or sometimes as y as in yell elsewhere (IPA j)
ll and l after i (-il-) are pronounced as ly as in million (ʎ)
ñ and n after i (-in-) are pronounced as ny as in canyon (ɲ)
s is pronounced as s with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge behind the top teeth, a "mushier" sound
tt and t after i (-it-) are pronounced as kʲ, almost like tʲ (IPA c)
tx is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
x is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
z is pronounced as an s with the tip of the tongue behind the bottom teeth, ie. dental, a "hissier" sound
b in the middle of a word is a bilabial fricative, like a v using both lips when in the middle of a word (β)
d in the middle or end of a word is like the in this (ð)
dd and d after i (-id-) are pronounced as gʲ, almost like dʲ (ɟ)
g in the middle of a word is like gh, a voiced velar fricative (ɣ)
h is silent, except in France
j is pronounced as kh as in loch or Bach (x) in Guipuzkoa, or sometimes as y as in yell elsewhere (IPA j)
ll and l after i (-il-) are pronounced as ly as in million (ʎ)
ñ and n after i (-in-) are pronounced as ny as in canyon (ɲ)
s is pronounced as s with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge behind the top teeth, a "mushier" sound
tt and t after i (-it-) are pronounced as kʲ, almost like tʲ (IPA c)
tx is pronounced as ch as in church (tʃ)
x is pronounced as sh as in shop (ʃ)
z is pronounced as an s with the tip of the tongue behind the bottom teeth, ie. dental, a "hissier" sound