Essential Somali Phrases

Sometimes you don't have time to learn long lists of words and phrases. All you want to know are the bare essentials for communicating to get what you need, or where you need to go.

Here are the bare minimum of Somali words and phrases you need to know to survive.

Learn the Top 10 Phrases if you only have time for the barest minimum. If you need or want more, then take a look at the Top 20 Phrases, Top 30 Phrases and the Extra Phrases.

If you need help with pronunciation,
please see the Pronunciation Guide below.

Here are ten easy phrases to get you started ...

The Top 10 ...

Is ka warran.
Nabad gelyo.
Ma ku hadashaa ingiriis?
Do you speak English?
Ma fahmin.
I don't understand.
In yar.
A little.
Haa. Maya.
Yes. No.
Waa imissa kani?
How much is this?
Waa iska qaali. Waa yahay / Waa hagaag.
Too expensive. OK.
Thank you.

Here are ten more phrases that will help you make new friends and ask for directions ...

The Top 20 ...

What is your name?
Magacaygu waa ...
My name is ...
Is ka warran.
How are you?
Waa la fiicanyahay. Adiguna?
Good. And you?
Waa xaggee ...?
Where is ...?
Waa xaggee musqusha? Niman/Haween
Where is the toilet? Men/Women
Waan ka xumahay. Iga raalli ahow.
Sorry. Excuse me.
Dhib ma leh.
No problem.
Waxaan rabaa ...
I want ...
Ma rabo ...
I don't want ...

Here are another ten phrases to help you make a little more conversation and to get around ...

The Top 30 ...

Xagee ayaad ka timid?
Where are you from?
Australia waxaan ka imid.*
I am from Australia.
Xisaabka, fadlan.
The bill, please.
Aniga waxaan ka lumay waddadayda.
I am lost.
Joogso! Sug!
Stop! Wait!
Halkan, halkaas.
Here, there.
Tagsi. Huteel. Garoonka dayuuradaha. Saldhig.
Taxi. Hotel. Airport. Station.
Waxaan jeclahay ...
I like ...
Ma jecli ...
I don't like ...

kow, laba, saddex, afar, shan.
one, two, three, four, five.
lix, toddoba, siddeed, sagaad, toban.
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

*Or choose your country:
Mareykanka - America
Kanada - Canada
Ingiriiska - England
Ireland - Ireland
New Zealand - New Zealand

Here are some extra words and phrases you might find useful, especially if you have dietary needs or allergies ...

Useful Extras ...

Guul wanaagsan!
Caafimaad wanaagsan!

fiican / xun
good / bad
weyn / yar
big / small
dhow / fog
near / far
ka yar / ka badan
less / more
mid kale / ku filan
another / enough

Waxaan cunaa khudaarta oo qura.
I am vegetarian.
Ma cuno hilibka.
I don't eat meat.
... digaagga.
... chicken.
... kalluunka.
... fish.

Waxaan xasaasiyad ku ahay lawska.
Lawska elerjik baan ku ahay.
I am allergic to nuts.
... kalluunka.
... fish.
... cuntada badda.
... seafood.
... ukunta.
... eggs.

Pronunciation Guide
' is a glottal stop (ʔ)
c is a pharyngealised glottal fricative (ʕ)
d is pronounced dentally, tongue touching the teeth (d̪)
dh = ɖ (retroflex d, the tongue is curled back against the palate)
q is pronounced as a uvular k, far back in the throat (IPA q)

Please note:
b, d and q tend to to weaken to the fricatives β, ð and ɣ when between vowels

