Sometimes you don't have time to learn long lists of words and phrases. All you want to know are the bare essentials for communicating to get what you need, or where you need to go.
Here are the bare minimum of Eastern Armenian words and phrases you need to know to survive.
Learn the Top 10 Phrases if you only have time for the barest minimum. If you need or want more, then take a look at the Top 20 Phrases, Top 30 Phrases and the Extra Phrases.
Here are ten more phrases that will help you make new friends and ask for directions ...
The Top 20 ... |
Inch'e dzer anunə? What is your name? Anuns ... e. My name is ... Inch'pes ek'? Vonts' ek'? How are you? Lav. Duk' inch'pes ek'? Fine. And you? Vortegh e ...? Where is ...? Vortegh e zugaranə? Tghamardkants'/Kanants' Where is the toilet? Men/Women Knerek'. Sorry. Excuse me. Khndir ch'ka. Voch' mi khndir. No problem. Uzum em ... I want ... Yes ch'em uzum ... I don't want ... |
Here are another ten phrases to help you make a little more conversation and to get around ...
The Top 30 ... |
Duk' vorteghits' ek'? Where are you from? Yes Avstralia-yits' em.* I am from Australia. Kangarek'. Spasek'. Stop! Wait! Aystegh, ayntegh. Here, over there. Tak'si. Hyuranots'. Odanavakayan. Kayan. Taxi. Hotel. Airport. Station. Sirum em ... I like ... Yes ch'em sirum ... I don't like ... mek, yerku, yerek', ch'ors, hing. one, two, three, four, five. vets', yot', ut', inə, tas. six, seven, eight, nine, ten. *Or choose your country: Amerika - America Kanada - Canada Anglia - England Irlandia - Ireland Nor Zelandia - New Zealand |
Here are some extra words and phrases you might find useful, especially if you have dietary needs or allergies ...
Useful Extras ... |
Kenats'd! Cheers! lav / vat good / bad mets / p'ok'r big / small mot / heru near / far aveli k'ich' / aveli shat less / more yevs mek / bavakan another / enough Yes busaker em. I am vegetarian. Yes ch'em utum mis. I don't eat meat. ... havi mis. ... chicken. ... dzuk. ... fish. Yes alergik em ənkuyz. I am allergic to nuts. ... arakhis. ... peanuts. ... dzuk. ... to fish. ... tsovayin telik'ner. ... to seafood. ... dzu. ... eggs. |
ə is pronunced as e in brother
a is pronounced as a as in spa (ɑ)
e is pronounced as ae as in pet (ɛ)
o is pronounced as o as in pot (ɔ)
' adds a puff of air after the consonant, eg. k' = kʰ, ie. k as in kite
gh is pronounced as a voiced uvular fricative as in French and Portuguese r (ʁ)
k is pronounced as k as in skin, without a puff of breath (IPA k)
kh is pronounced as a voiceless uvular fricative, a voiceless French r (χ), similar to ch in loch
p is pronounced as p as in spin, without a puff of breath (IPA p)
t is pronounced as t as in stun, without a puff of breath (IPA t)
ə is pronunced as e in brother
a is pronounced as a as in spa (ɑ)
e is pronounced as ae as in pet (ɛ)
o is pronounced as o as in pot (ɔ)
' adds a puff of air after the consonant, eg. k' = kʰ, ie. k as in kite
gh is pronounced as a voiced uvular fricative as in French and Portuguese r (ʁ)
k is pronounced as k as in skin, without a puff of breath (IPA k)
kh is pronounced as a voiceless uvular fricative, a voiceless French r (χ), similar to ch in loch
p is pronounced as p as in spin, without a puff of breath (IPA p)
t is pronounced as t as in stun, without a puff of breath (IPA t)