Table of Contents

Everyday Things
Guide to Imitated Pronunciation
List of Words
Grammar: The Definite Article

Guide to Imitated Pronunciation

a at the end of a word is pronounced lightly, like -er in father (but without the r sound at the end)
ah is a long a, as in father
ee is a long e, as in feet
eh is the sound of e in pet
eu is an oo sound with the lips unrounded
euh is a longer oo sound with the lips unrounded
ay is a long e, as in day (but without the i sound at the end)
oh is a long o, as in boat
oo is oo as in look
ooh is a long oo, as in fool
uh is like the -er in father (but without the r sound at the end)

ch is the ch in church
hh is the sound of h in huge, also shown as hy
gh is the voiced version of kh
kh is the guttural sound at the end of loch or Bach
ñ is the sound of ny in canyon, also shown as ny
j is the j in judge
rr is a tapped r
rr is a rolled r
sh is the sh in shop

fy, gy, hy, ky, ly, ny, py, ry, ty: these all have a very light y sound after the consonant, as in million (ly) or canyon (ny)

List of Words

m = masculine, f = feminine, pl = plural

Page One

cat (m) cat, cait (pl)
kat, kehch
an cat (m) the cat, na cait (pl)
an kat, na kehch

(m) dog, coin (pl)
koo, koñ
an cù (m) the dog, na coin (pl)
an koo, na koñ

Page Two

luch (f) mouse, luchan (pl)
lookh, loo-khan
an luch (f) the mouse, na luchan (pl)
an lookh, na loo-khan

rabaid (f) rabbit, rabaidean (pl)
rra-bij, rra-bi-jan
an rabaid (f) the rabbit, na rabaidean (pl)
an rra-bij, na rra-bi-dyan

Page Three

(f) cow, (pl)
boh, bah
a' bhò (f) the cow, na bà (pl)
a voh, na bah

each (m) horse, eich (pl)
ekh, ehh
an each (m) the horse, na h-eich (pl)
an ekh, na hehh

Page Four

eun (m) bird, eòin (pl)
ee-an, yohñ
an t-eun (m) the bird, na h-eòin (pl)
an tyee-an, na hyohñ

òr-iasg (m) goldfish, òr-èisg (pl)
ohr ee-ask, ohr eshk
an t-òr-iasg (m) the goldfish, na h-òr-èisg (pl)
an tohr ee-ask, na hohr eshk

Page Five

tunnag (f) duck, tunnagan (pl)
too-nak, too-na-gan
an tunnag (f) the duck, na tunnagan (pl)
an too-nak, na too-na-gan

leumrachan (m) frog, leumrachanan (pl)
lyem-ra-khan, lyem-ra-kha-nan
an leumrachan (m) the frog, na leumrachanan (pl)
an lyem-ra-khan, na lyem-ra-kha-nan

Page Six

nathair (f) snake, nathraichean (pl)
na-hir, na-ri-hyen
an nathair (f) the snake, na nathraichean (pl)
an na-hir, na na-ri-hyen

partan (m) crab, partanan (pl)
parrsh-tan, parrsh-ta-nan
am partan (m) the crab, na partanan (pl)
am parrsh-tan, na parrsh-ta-nan

Page Seven

dealan-dè (m) butterfly, dealanan-dè (pl)
dya-lan dyay, dya-la-nan dyay
an dealan-dè (m) the butterfly, na dealanan-dè (pl)
an dya-lan dyay, na dya-la-nan dyay

seangan (m) ant, seanganan (pl)
sheng-gan, sheng-ga-nan
an seangan (m) the ant, na seanganan (pl)
an sheng-gan, na sheng-ga-nan

Page Eight

ugh (m) egg, uighean (pl)
oo, eu-yan
an t-ugh (m) the egg, na h-uighean (pl)
an too, na heu-yan

aran (m) bread
an t-aran (m) the bread
an ta-ran

Page Nine

càise (m) cheese, càisean (pl)
kah-sha, kah-shan
an càise (m) the cheese, na càisean (pl)
an kah-sha, na kah-shan

dearc-fhìona (f) grape, dearcan-fìona (pl)
dyerkhk ee-a-na, dyerkh-kan fee-a-na
an dearc-fhìona (f) the grape, na dearcan-fìona (pl)
an derkhk ee-a-na, na dyerkh-kan fee-a-na

Page Ten

cèic seòclaid (f) chocolate cake, cèicean seòclaid (pl)
kyehhk shokh-klij, kyehh-kyan shokh-klij
a' chèic seòclaid (f) the chocolate cake, na cèicean seòclaid (pl)
a hyehhk shokh-klij, na kyehh-kyan shokh-klij

reòiteag (f) ice cream, reòiteagan (pl)
rroh-tyak, rroh-tya-gan
an reòiteag (f) the ice cream, na reòiteagan (pl)
an roh-tyak, na rroh-tya-gan

Page Eleven

ubhal (m) apple, ùbhlan (pl)
oo-al, ooh-lan
an t-ubhal (m) the apple, na h-ùbhlan (pl)
an too-al, na hooh-lan

orainsear (m) orange, orainsearan (pl)
o-rin-sher, o-rin-she-ran
an t-orainsear (m) the orange, na h-orainsearan (pl)
an to-rin-sher, na ho-rin-she-ran

Page Twelve

liomaid (f) lemon, liomaidean (pl)
lyi-mij, lyi-mi-jan
an liomaid (f) the lemon, na liomaidean (pl)
an lyi-mij, na lyi-mi-jan

banana (m) banana, bananathan (pl)
ba-na-na, ba-na-na-han
am banana (m) the banana, na bananathan (pl)
am ba-na-na, na ba-na-na-han

Page Thirteen

curran (m) carrot, curranan (pl)
koo-rran, koo-rra-nan
an curran (m) the carrot, na curranan (pl)
an koo-rran, na koo-rra-nan

tomàto (m) tomato, tomàtothan (pl)
to-mah-to, to-mah-to-han
an tomàto (m) the tomato, na tomàtothan (pl)
an to-mah-to, na to-mah-to-han

Page Fourteen

sùbh-làir (m) strawberry, sùbhan-làir (pl)
sooh-lahr, sooh-an-lahr
an sùbh-làir (m) the strawberry, na sùbhan-làir (pl)
an sooh-lahr, na sooh-an-lahr

sirist (f) cherry, siristean (pl)
shi-ryishch, shi-ryish-tyan
an t-sirist (f) the cherry, na siristean (pl)
a tyi-ryishch, na shi-ryish-tyan

Page Fifteen

sùgh (m) juice, sùghan (pl)
sooh, sooh-an
an sùgh (m) the juice, na sùghan (pl)
an sooh, na sooh-an

bainne (m) milk, bainneachan (pl)
ba-nya, ba-nya-khan
am bainne (m) the milk, na bainneachan (pl)
am ba-nya, na ba-nya-khan

uisge (m) water, uisgeachan (pl)
eush-kya, eush-kya-khan
an t-uisge (m) the water, na h-uisgeachan (pl)
an teush-kya, na heush-kya-khan

Page Sixteen

sgian (f) knife, sgeinean (pl)
skyee-an, skyay-nan
an sgian (f) the knife, na sgeinean (pl)
an skyee-an, na skyay-nan

spàin (f) spoon, spàinean (pl)
spahñ, spah-ñan
an spàin (f) the spoon, na spàinean (pl)
an spahñ, na spah-ñan

forca (f) fork, forcan (pl)
forrkh-ka, forrkh-kan
an fhorca (f) the fork, na forcan (pl)
an orrkh-ka, na forrkh-kan

Page Seventeen

peann (m) pen, pinn (pl)
pya-oon, piñ
am peann (m) the pen, na pinn (pl)
am pya-oon, na piñ

pensail (m) pencil, pensailean (pl)
pen-sal, pen-sa-lan
am pensail (m) the pencil, na pensailean (pl)
am pen-sal, na pen-sa-lan

Page Eighteen

leabhar (m) book, leabhraichean (pl)
lyo-ar, lyo-ri-hyen
an leabhar (m) the book, na leabhraichean (pl)
an lyo-ar, na lyo-ri-hyen

leabhar-nòtaichean (m) notebook, leabhraichean-nòtaichean (pl)
lyo-ar noh-ti-hyen, lyo-ri-hyen noh-ti-hyen
an leabhar-nòtaichean (m) the notebook, na leabhraichean-nòtaichean (pl)
an lyo-ar noh-ti-hyen, na lyo-ri-hyen noh-ti-hyen

Page Nineteen

coimpiutair (m) computer, coimpiutairean (pl)
kom-pyoo-ter, kom-pyoo-te-ryan
an coimpiutair (m) the computer, na coimpiutairean (pl)
an kom-pyoo-ter, na kom-pyoo-te-ryen

fòn-làimhe (m) mobile phone, fònaichean-làimhe (pl)
fohn lah-i-va, foh-ni-hyen lah-i-va
am fòn-làimhe (m) the mobile phone, na fònaichean-làimhe (pl)
am fohn lah-i-va, na foh-ni-hyen lah-i-va

Page Twenty

baga (m) bag, bagaichean (pl)
ba-ga, ba-gi-hyen
am baga (m) the bag, na bagaichean (pl)
am ba-ga, na ba-gi-hyen

bogsa (m) box, bogsan (pl)
bok-sa, bok-san
am bogsa (m) the box, na bogsan (pl)
am bok-sa, na bok-san

Page Twenty-One

bòrd (m) table, bùird (pl)
borrsht, boorrsht
am bòrd (m) the table, na bùird (pl)
am borrsht, na boorrsht

sèithear (m) chair, sèithrichean (pl)
shay-er, shay-ri-hyen
an sèithear (m) the chair, na sèithrichean (pl)
an shay-er, na shay-ri-hyen

Page Twenty-Two

iuchair (f) key, iuchraichean (pl)
yoo-khir, yookh-ri-hyen
an iuchair (f) the key, na h-iuchraichean (pl)
an yoo-khir, na hyookh-ri-hyen

sgàthan (m) mirror, sgàthanan (pl)
skah-han, skah-ha-nan
an sèithear (m) the mirror, na sgàthanan (pl)
an skah-han, na skah-ha-nan

Page Twenty-Three

bàla (m) ball, bàlaichean (pl)
bah-la, bah-li-hyen
am bàla (m) the ball, na bàlaichean (pl)
am bah-la, na bah-li-hyen

giotàr (m) guitar, giotàraichean (pl)
gi-tahr, gi-tah-ri-hyen
an giotàr (m) the guitar, na giotàraichean (pl)
an gi-tahr, na gi-tah-ri-hyen

Page Twenty-Four

ad (f) hat, adan (pl)
at, a-dan
an ad (f) the hat, na h-adan (pl)
an at, na ha-dan

speuclairean-grèine (m pl), sunglasses
spee-akh-kla-ryan gray-nya
na speuclairean-grèine (m pl), the sunglasses
na spee-akh-kla-ryan gray-nya

còta (m) coat, còtaichean (pl)
koh-ta, koh-ti-hyen
an còta (m) the coat, na còtaichean (pl)
an koh-ta, na koh-ti-hyen

Page Twenty-Five

stocainn (f) sock, stocainnean (pl)
stokh-kiñ, stokh-ki-nyan
an stocainn (f) the sock, na stocainnean (pl)
an stokh-kiñ, na stokh-ki-nyan

bròg (f) shoe, brògan (pl)
brohk, broh-gan
a' bhròg (f) the shoe, na brògan (pl)
a vrohk, na broh-gan

Page Twenty-Six

craobh (f) tree, craobhan (pl)
kreuhv, kreuh-van
a' chraobh (f) the tree, na craobhan (pl)
a khreuhv, na kreuh-van

flùr (m) flower, flùraichen (pl)
floor, flooh-ri-hyen
am flùr (m) the flower, na flùraichen (pl)
am floor, na floo-ri-hyen

duilleag (f) leaf, duilleagan (pl)
deu-lyak, deu-lya-gan
an duilleag (f) the leaf, na duilleagan (pl)
an deu-lyak, na deu-lya-gan

Page Twenty-Seven

crosgan (m) starfish, crosganan (pl)
kros-kan, kros-ka-nan
an crosgan (m) the starfish, na crosganan (pl)
an kros-kan, na kros-ka-nan

slige (f) shell, sligean (pl)
shlyi-gya, shlyi-gyan
an t-slige (f) the shell, na sligean (pl)
an chlyi-gya, na shlyi-gyan

The Definite Article: The

Masculine Singular Nouns (Nominative)

The definite article is an.
an changes to am before b, f, m and p.
an changes to an t- before a vowel.

For example:
an loch
an lokh
the lake

am balach
am ba-lakh
the boy

am feur
am fee-er
the grass

am mac
am makh-k
the son

am peann
am pya-oon
the pen

an t-uisge
an teush-kya
the water

Feminine Singular Nouns (Nominative)

The definite article remains an before d, n, l, r, sg, sp, st and sm.
The definite article remains an before all vowels.
The definite article remains an before f, and lenites f to fh.
an changes to a' before b, c, g, m and p and lenites these consonants to bh, ch, gh, mh and ph.
an changes to an t- before s, sl, sr and sn and the s becomes silent. Special note: The combination an t-sn is pronounced an tr-.

For example:
an deigh

an dyay-ee
the ice

an sgoil

an skol
the school

an obair
an o-bir
the work

an fhuil (from fuil)
an eul
the blood

a' bhròg (from bròg)
a vrohg
the shoe

a' chaileag (from caileag)
a kha-lak
the girl

a' ghloine (from gloine)
a ghluh-nya
the glass

a' mhàthair (from màthair)
a vah-hir
the mother

a' phàirc (from pàirc)
a fahrk
the park

an t-sùil (from sùil)
an tool
the eye

an t-sràid
an trahj (changes from strahj)
the street

an t-sneachda
an trekh-ka (changes from shnyekh-ka)
the snow

Plural Nouns (Nominative)

The definite article is na.
Before a vowel, na changes to na h-.

For example:
na sùilean
na soo-lan
the eyes

na h-uinneagan
na heu-nya-gan
the windows