Table of Contents
Everyday Things
Guide to Imitated Pronunciation
Guide to Imitated Pronunciation
ă is the sound of er in mother, without the r sound at the end a is the sound of a in father ai is the sound of ai in aisle au is the sound of ow in cow e is an e sound, as in vein (but without the i sound at the end)
i is the sound of i in sheen o is the sound of o in wrote u is the sound of u in rule
ch is the ch in church, but without the puff of air that occurs in English
dzy is a j sound pronounced more forward in the mouth, like Polish dź
j is the j in judge
ly is the ly in million
r is a rolled or tapped r as in Italian
sh is the sh in shop
tch is a ch sound pronounced more forward in the mouth, like Polish ć
tsy is a ch sound pronounced more forward in the mouth, like Polish ć
zh is the sound of s in leisure and pleasure