Colōrēs Latīnē
Colours in Latin
by Mia Bowen
Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved
flāvus .
aurantius .
roseus .
ruber .
violāceus .
yellow ... orange ... pink ... red ... purple ... green
blue ... brown ... grey ... black ... white
caeruleus .
brunneus .
cinereus .
niger .
Haec ariēna flāva est.
This banana is yellow.
Hic flōs aurantius est.
Quam pulcher!
This flower is orange.
How beautiful!
Herba viridis est.
The grass is green.
Hoc folium quoque viride est.
This leaf is also green.
Puella crētā caeruleā pingit.
The girl is drawing with blue chalk.
Fēlēs cinerea murem quaerit.
Quō īvit?
The grey cat is looking for the mouse.
Where has it gone?
Placenta ex socolātā brunnea est.
The chocolate cake is brown.
Hī piscēs nigrī sunt.
These fish are black.
Frāga et lycopersica rubra sunt.
The strawberries and the tomatoes are red.
Iacca quae maximē mihi placet rosea est.
My favourite jacket is pink.
Nix alba frīgidaque est.
The snow is white and cold.
Haec stēlla marīna violācea est.
This starfish is purple.
Hae ūvae quoque violāceae sunt.
These grapes are also purple.
Quī color maximē tibi placet?
Color quī maximē mihi placet roseus est.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is pink.
Quī color maximē tibi placet?
Color quī maximē mihi placet caeruleus est.
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is blue.
Quō colōre est hic flōs?
Roseus fuscus aut subpurpūreus?
What colour is this flower?
Dark pink or light purple?
Quō colōre sunt oculī meī?
Oculī meī caeruleī viridēs cinereīque sunt.
What colour are my eyes?
My eyes are blue, green and grey.
Quō colōre sunt oculī tuī?
What colour are your eyes?