Parrot to the Rescue
in Cornish
Jack and Lisa were on school holidays, but it hadn't been a fun holidays yet. It had been raining every day!
"Look!" cried Jack, pointing out the window. "Finally the sun is out!"
"Why don't you go on a picnic? You can spend all day outside," suggested Mum.
First they went down to the shed to find Peder.
"Hou! Ple'th eson ni ow mos hedhyw?" squawked Peder.
"Yth eson ni ow mos dhe'n lynn rag kroust," replied Jack.
"Gwren ni mos dhe'n lynn!" squawked Peder. And with a big flap of the wings, he was off leading the way up the path.
"Tomm yw hi," said Lisa, wiping her face with her hand. "Yma edhom dhym eva neppyth."
"Yma seghes dhymm ynwedh," said Jack.
"Ple'ma'n diwes lymmaval?"
Suddenly, something large swooped down from the sky towards Lisa.
Lisa screamed, "Ogh!! Gweres! Gweres vy!"
It was a ferocious magpie and she was on the attack. She thought they were too close to her nest.
"Pandr'a hwer?" cried Jack in alarm.
"Ke dhe-ves!" shouted Jack, flapping his arms around his head as the magpie targeted him.
"My a vynn agas gweres!" squawked Peder.
He chased the magpie high up into the tree, while Jack and Lisa disappeared down the path.
They ran and ran and ran until they were out of breath ...
"Slow down!" cried Lisa. "I think we're lost! I can't see the way to the lake any more."
Lisa looked up into the sky and saw Peder flying above.
"Hedh, Peder!" called Lisa.
"Kellys on ni! Ple'ma'n hyns?
Ny yllyn ni y gavos."
"My a yll y gavos ragowgh!" squawked Peder as he zoomed down through the trees and along the path.
"Dewgh genev vy!" he screeched.
"Moy lent!" puffed Jack.
"Ny wodhon ni neyja avelos! Res yw dhyn mos der an prysk," he called.
"Ottena an lynn! Wor'tiwedh!" cried Lisa.
"Meur ras dhis a oll dha weres, Peder!" said Jack.
"Wolkom owgh hwi," replied Peder, preening his feathers in embarrassment.
They sat down beside the lake and started to set up their picnic.
First, they started with some fruit. Peder called out as his favourite food appeared out of the backpack ...
"... aval gwlanek, sevi, brykedh, banana, owraval ..."
"... keres, peren, grappys ..."
Peder eyed all the food with interest as it was placed on the picnic blanket.
"Yma nown bras dhymm. A allav vy blas honna?" he asked, bobbing his head towards a slice of fruit cake.
"Na wra hy dybri!" said Lisa, grabbing the cake.
"Kudhys gans moryon yw." She tried to brush all the ants off. It was difficult.
"Yma nown dhe'n moryon ..." said Jack. "Ha da yw gansa dybri tesen."
"Na fors!" squawked Peder. "My a gar tesen ha my a gar moryon ynwedh!"
Lisa raised her eyebrows at Jack. "Ugghhhh!" laughed Jack and Lisa together.
"An bara!" squawked Peder. "A wruss'ta perthi kov a'n bara?"
"Gwrug," replied Lisa. "Ny wrug vy y ankevi."
Peder happily grabbed a chunk of bread in his beak.
"Eus keus genes?" asked Jack.
"Sur! Ottava," replied Lisa as she pulled it out of the backpack.
"Ro dhymm kollell, mar pleg," he added.
"Meur ras dhis," mumbled Jack through a mouthful of cheese and bread.
They all ate for a while, chatting and laughing together.
"Yw henna lowr?" asked Lisa. "A vynnowgh hwi kavos neppyth moy?"
"Na vynnav ... yma sagh boos drog dhymm. Martesen yth esa re a voos," said Jack.
"Nevra!" squawked Peder. They all laughed.
They spent the rest of the afternoon climbing trees, exploring and running around.
The sun was starting to get very low in the sky.
"Diwedhes yw hi," squawked Peder.
"Ya, res yw dhyn mos dhe-dre lemmyn," said Jack.
They packed up their things and headed home down the path away from the lake .... tired, happy and not the slightest bit hungry.
Soon they could see the roof of their house through the trees. It was good to be home.
Magpie was happy to be alone again. She was even happier when she discovered some bread they had left behind.